
Over the yeaers we have received some really wonderful emails from people all over the world. Below is a small sampling. It’s such a blessing to know God and to come together for praise and worship of Him!

Blessings to you from Calvary Chapel Red Bluff! Although my wife and I are unable at this time to assist with financial aid, we are and will pray the Lord will open the abundance of heaven for this Russian church. For the King!

Hi Dennis, I just finished bouncing all over the place after getting your email!  I’m really glad that you guys are still there, and your gift of sending me the music for free is so awesome, kind, and appreciated!!  Do you ever give concerts in local states?  If you do, send me info and I’ll pass it along at church and see if they would book you.  I don’t know how much it would cost, but I know they’ve had concerts at the church before, like B.J. Thomas, and I would love it if we could host you.
I’m a single Mom with two little boys, so I am especially grateful for your gift.  Thank you, Praise the Lord, and may your life be filled with so many many blessings.

To Machaira,
What can I say to a group of God fearing Christian men that do what you do…? You guys are not just some of the best musicians I’ve heard; you’re much more because, you see, you’re Christians! And do the work that Christ has intended you to do. We saw God’s branches produce fruit last weekend just as he said the branches would do! I praise God for you because He has put Machaira together in His holy fashion and crafted an effective and obedient tool for His reflection. I could just go on and on praising God for your ministry! We have been blessed.

I personally have learned so much by this event and where the improvements on my part could be, and I can’t wait to see what God has in store for us next year. I will be contacting you within the next few months about next year. Maybe I can get you guys to stay with us at our house next time so you don’t have to stay at a hotel!!! Remember that you’re ALWAYS welcome in my home even if there is no event and you just want to stop by…

God be with you in you ministry! I just want to say thank you for your faithfulness to God and to getting the message of our Lord Jesus Christ to the lost with such and awesome event.  I know how much work goes into putting on an event such as this one, this is my second year with Outreach America and each time we put on a blast not only am I physically and mentally worn out put the spiritual battle is immense (which I am sure you well know.)  Of all the events I have been a part of never have I been more blessed than at Praise in the Mountains.  I came away feeling that I had received more than I had given, I didn’t want it to end.  I thank God for letting me be a part of this awesome event. May God continue to bless you all as you go out and seek the lost in the name of Jesus.   Thank You

PRAISE GOD! You Guys Rock, In Jesus Precious Holy Name! It was so rewarding getting to hear your band again, and to meet you all. Your Ministry is SO VERY SPECIAL!
Jon: Thanks for spending the time with in prayer with me.

My name is Gene and I am the Executive Director of a ministry called Outreach America. In July of 2002 I had the extreme pleasure of working with a group called Machaira. This was a two day event held in Macarthur, Ca. Thanks to the professionalism, and love for Jesus these guys had, there was not one problem in this event, in their areas of responsibility. They showed up on time, and were ready to go when needed. The quality of their equipment, dress, and attitude were of the utmost of professionalism. It is without the slightest hesitation or reservation that I wholeheartedly encourage anyone to use this group of dedicated people. They are great to work with and you will, as I was, be blessed.

I am a Delta Flight Attendant and I had one of your band members on my flight from San Francisco to Atlanta just a few days ago.  He gave me copy of your CD and in the midst of the chaos of deplaning I didn’t get a chance to say “thank you”. I just listened to the CD and I love it!  Your music is really good.  I wish the best for your future and I will be looking for the movie this summer. Thank you again for sharing your wonderful gift with me.  God bless your ministry!

Dear Dennis,
I just wanted to say I am really looking forward to praise in the mountains this year. This will be my 4th year going. This year I will be inviting the singles from my church at Harvest Christian center of Sacramento.

Hello Gentlemen,
My name is John Jones, my wife and I had the pleasure of attending Praise in the Mountains for the very first time this past month. We thoroughly enjoyed everything. Thank you all for so much good fun in praising the Lord. God has blessed you all  with an anointing and a means of praising Him and reaching out to the people.

God bless you bless you today. Thank you so much for your kind words. We look forward to future ministry events and building a relationship with all of you great folks. We really enjoyed the McClatchy Park outreach event. We pray that God will prosper Machaira collectively and each one individually along all the other good people from this ministry. Thank you again Sir. Love and Prayers.

Hi guys it  the drummer from Children of the Rock.  I love the site and the beautiful messages on your site. that you for sharing and staying true and strong in the Word of the Lord. May God bless you all and your ministry! In peace.

I heard you for the first time at New Hope Christian Fellowship’s New Year’s bash last night.  Thank you for your ministry.  I appreciate your forward manner in presenting the gospel.  It was very refreshing.  Your pamphlet is a great means of getting the message of Jesus out.  Hope you come back to minister with us soon!

We at K-LOVE have been privileged to be involved with several outreaches this year with the ministry and have been blessed by the band and their hearts for the lost. Machaira has been also very loving to donate their time and equipment in several outreaches that have blessed many other ministries including events that K-LOVE Radio have been involved with.  We thank Dennis and his band for their love, time and spirit for the gospel of Christ to be spread throughout the land. May God richly bless your ministry and expand your territory.

Dear Machaira,
Just wanted to say Thank you to all, for coming to North Valley on Sunday 7 April, my husband and I thoroughly enjoyed your music and your message, keep up the Great music and message, we will see you back in Antelope on the 27 of April. God bless.

I saw your show at Praise in the Mountains.  Your music was really good.  The best I’ve seen in a long time.  Gospel or not.  But your ministry impressed me even more.  To be able to reach people the way your did is really a gift of God.  You encouraged me to try harder to use my gift as well.  Thank you.  God Bless.

Hi Dennis,
Yes! I remember you and the wonderful ministry of Machaira.  You gave me 2 CDs (good stuff!), which I have listened to and will share with the Blues Society. As a Christian and lover of the Blues I thoroughly enjoy Machaira’s original music and message.  It’s like a little bit of heaven, right up on stage!  Machaira would be a wonderful feature for any musical event. Have an awesome day.!

Oh I told my son I got an email from you guys about maybe coming to our community even and he got so excited! His name is John, 10.. And you guys signed a photo for him.

May God blessings encamp you and my Christ that resides in you be magnified into the world today for others to see his wonders! Blessings.