Book Machaira

Machaira is a band that has been called by God to minister the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  The group members represent several different denominations and together are a non-denominational Christian Music Outreach Ministry. We have one common cause; to use music and the word of God to reach people for Christ.

We are always looking for opportunities to perform and share the gospel of Christ. We pray that your church or outreach ministry would be interested in partnering with us to reach the lost in your communities.

We are available for outreach /performances in parks, fairs, community events, public concerts, schools, youth rallies, singles groups, etc… We are also blessed with the ability to minister/perform church services and lead worship. On occasions we have conducted entire services for several different denominations.

We charge nothing. We support the ministry through CD, tee-shirt sales and free will donations. The only assistance we would need from your church or you the sponsor is:

  • Provide counselors and follow up.
  • Provide a facility/place to perform.
  • Promotion (we can provide posters)
  • A place to sleep/shower if out of the Sacramento area (if requested)
  • A love offering (OPTIONAL)

Machaira Ministries will provide:

  • Musical Group (or groups if requested).
  • High quality sound reinforcement system with sound engineers
  • Speaker (from the group) to share message.
  • High quality stage lighting (optional)
  • Optional: additional bands.  Machaira often performs with several other styles of Christian Musical Groups and travels frequently with “Godzone”.
  • Free Bibles and Christian literature/outreach tracks.

We encourage you to review the web pages on this site and pray about your event before contacting Machaira for ministry. Give us a call 530-320-0155 or E-mail us if we can assist you in your outreach ministry projects.  We are involved in many Christian Musical Outreach events so feel free to ask questions and allow us to assist you.